About reese@illinois.edu

Director of MSTE at College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Congratulations to Todd Lash

We just learned that Todd Lash has been asked to serve as the Grades K-6 Representative on the CSTA 2015 – 2016 Standards Revision Task Force.  This is, no doubt, a recognition of his incredible work these past three years in leading the Computational Thinking effort at Kenwood Elementary School. Todd has also been part of of an active social media presence for #CSK8  #KenwoodStars #kidscancode @EdCampCU among others.

New Version of the CS4H Manual

For the past year, a group of faculty, students, and staff at UIUC have been working on an Introduction to Computer Science using Scratch.  We call the project, CS4H. We have piloted it with 4-H club facilitators, students, and teachers.Responses so far have been positive, and we believe that young people and adults can just pick it up and start working with Scratch. The content is organized around key computer science concepts of Sequence, Iteration, Conditionals, Variables, and Modularization. Use the link below to download the pdf.

CS4H youth guide Aug7 (pdf)

In addition, Travis Faust has written up a colorful guide to the Scratch blocks.

ScratchDocBooklet (pdf)

New users of Scratch should find this guide a handy index.