CTRL+shift is an interdisciplinary group, with members from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, local school districts, and the community who work together to research and bring computational thinking into K-12 schools.
Champaign Unit 4 School District:
Miriam Larson (Kenwood Elementary School)
Todd Lash (Kenwood Elementary School)
Tina Lehr (Jefferson Middle School)
Wendy Maa (Kenwood Elementary School)
Trevor Nadrozny (Kenwood Elementary School)
Minsoo Park (Kenwood Elementary School)
Jessica Pitcher (Kenwood Elementary School)
Matt Sly (Champaign Unit 4)
UIUC Faculty & Staff:
Jeff Ginger (FabLab, Library & Information Science)
Maya Israel (Special Education, College of Education)
Michael McKelvey (MSTE, College of Education)
Joe Muskin (Mechanical Science and Engineering)
Leonard Pitt (Computer Science)
George Reese (MSTE, College of Education)
Bob Smith
Robert Stake (Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation)
Martin Wolske (Library & Information Science)
Community Members:
Kerris Lee (Storyboard Cafe, Parkland College, Lost Points, Cazoodle)
Mike Royce (One Main Development)
Charles Schultz
UIUC Grad Students:
Sarah Butt (Library & Information Science)
Hailley Fargo (Library & Information Science)
Travis Faust (Library & Information Science)
Katrina Kennett (Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education)
Kim Naples (Library & Information Science)
Saad Shehab (Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education)
Quentin Wherfel (Special Education, College of Education)